Today was FEEL GOOD Friday, but I wasn’t really feeling very good!…
Some mood-dampening news late this week had made Friday a very difficult day to try to feel good about….. However!….
Some mood-dampening news late this week had made Friday a very difficult day to try to feel good about….. However!….
… I did manage to feel very inspired after reading a fellow bloggers’ latest post on Lemon Curd, along with a recipe that she was sharing with her followers…How could I resist?!
I went straight home, picking up some lovely free range eggs en route, and I stood in my kitchen and made this tasty and sweet treat by myself, with XFM playing loudly in the background hehe…. feeling my worries disappear for a short while…
I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed the whole process…. From finely grating the lemons to pouring the thick, hot curd into a jar! It was 100% therapeutic, and it gave me a FANTASTIC idea for a mothers day cake, which we all sat around the table and enjoyed over a cuppa on Sunday!
I HIGHLY recommend this recipe, and if like me, you have been too scared to even think about making your own curd… then do it!… Simple and satisfying!
Sian… Thank you SO much for sharing this delicious recipe!
Sian… Thank you SO much for sharing this delicious recipe!
A winner in my books!
Miss Sue Flay
Oh wow – what I wouldn;t do for a slice of that cake right now! You certainly put the curd to great use! Lemon curd makes the world a better place and so a lemon curd cake is just magical in my book! x
It really is delicious! I had it on toast AND on Hot Cross Buns this weekend! there is nothing that it does not go with!… I will be making more! xxx