Last week I blogged about my photo shoot with the Cambridgeshire Journal Magazine and John Lewis in Cambridge, I couldn’t quite believe it was me in the mirror after my makeover. I was thrilled with it and I cannot wait to see the finished article in the March edition of this fabulous local magazine. In fact, after I blogged about it, I went and bought myself a pair of Spanx (See below as to why ; ) and the John Lewis girl recognised me from reading it herself, I was amazed at how supportive of this blog they have been!
Following the photo shoot, I got invited to a bloggers breakfast at the John Lewis Brasserie for the launch of Cambridge Style Week, where, following this, I got a VERY exciting email from the lovely Nicky Shepard, the Director of this fabulous Cambridge fashion event. Due to my current weight, even with the diet still going slowly but surely, I was well and truly gob smacked at the following request.
I had actually been Tweeting with Nicky over the last month, following a Twitter-based Hashtag I had dreamt up with the lovely Maria of a fab blog titled “Feisty Tapas” – #Writingwithtea which encourages people to sit during a two hour period and write something you’ve been meaning to write and share it through the Twitter Hashtag to get inspired. I will be using the time this weekend to get cracking on some book ideas, so it will be great to have that “Me Time” to do just that.
Anybody can use this Hashtag and it has already got us networking with some lovely bloggers, including Nicky, so do come and use it to share your work.
Nicky had asked me to be the “Real Person” behind their plus size / curvy fashion labels and wanted me to be a model for their catwalk shows. I had to have a telephone conversation with her to get it all straight, as I didn’t quite believe what she was asking to start with… I’m far from the modelling type, the thought makes me quake with nerves!
I’ve now had a couple of days to take it all in, agreeing to give it a go and this evening I went to join Nicky and her fantastic team at the Cambridge City Hotel (The old Crown Plaza) for a debriefing of the weeks plans (as it all kicks off this Wednesday for 4 days and nights!) and I’ve enjoyed a lesson it catwalk walking… Extremely nerve wracking for a girl who hasn’t even had the balls to try on an outfit in from of a changing room mirror for a long time, let alone strut her stuff in front of a room full of fashion loving experts and enthusiasts. Bugger, I’m crapping myself, but I’m looking forward to challenging myself with this.
With recent news of London Fashion Week being inspired to show off the gorgeous models (professional and real people) of a larger size over the usual size 16, I feel as inspired about this as many others do I’m sure! It’s great to see this being supported and I truly hope that just one person sat in the room with us over this coming weekend can feel inspired by my (eeek!) confidence, then I will know I have done a good job as a size 18-20 model, teetering around In heels I can never walk in, being the Tom boy I prefer to be : )
Watch out for my runway debut and why not book a ticket to come and say hello to me and support a fantastic local event on:
Friday 22nd February – 6.30pm
Ethical & Sustainable Fashion
Hosted at Cambridge City Hotel (Next to John Lewis)
£35 for seated tickets & arrival drink or just £5 for standing
I will be on the runway, hopefully not making a fool of myself!
Saturday 23rd February – 11am to 1pm
#Writingwithtea at Cambridge Style Week
Hosted at Cambridge City Hotel (Next to John Lewis)
Join myself and Maria for two hours of downtime for any form of writing you desire. We will take over the bar area with our laptops & notebooks for coffee & tea and a chance to network with other bloggers, writers and creatives, just buy your drinks, no fees charged.
More info here! – If you fancy joining us, just email me to say so at:
Saturday 23rd February – 6.30pm
Spring/Summer 2013 Fashion
Hosted at Cambridge City Hotel (Next to John Lewis)
£35 for seated tickets & arrival drink or just £5 for standing
I will be on the runway, hopefully not making a fool of myself!
Again, I will be on the runway, hopefully not making a fool of myself!
Am I trendy?
Hmmm… when it comes to my teaching of the latest baking trends, hosting fun and unusual events, yes, I would happily say I am… Otherwise….ask me in a few weeks time once the dust settles in this little fashion whirlwind – I may become a changed woman… and lord knows I need a change of look as well as direction following a recent hit in my working life, yet again!… I’m a free agent as of March 2013 and will be making my own rules – exciting!
Make sure you book your tickets and get trendy (ahem!) with me….to help me feel more at home at Cambridge Style Week and if you do come along, offer to take me out for a drink afterwards, I might need just one to calm the nerves!
And follow Cambridge Style Week on Facebook or Twitter (and #cambstyle) for more updates about this fabulous event!
Not forgetting, of course, to visit my own blog site and follow me on Social Media (Always forget that plug myself haha ; )
But more importantly…wish me luck… Or break a… !
Miss Sue Flay
My Previous Blog Post on my new look Here.
NB: Due to a change of plans, I will no longer be modelling for this event, which is a real shame, but I will be there as a guest on the Friday Night, so come and find me in the crowd and say hello : )
~ #WritingWithTea will also see me taking part in this 2 hour writing session between 11am and 1pm, however, I will be based in Greens Coffee Shop in Cambourne for my session, as I am unable to make it into the City for this, so if you fancy joining, anyone is welcome. I will be the geek sat behind my laptop sipping on a stream of coffee and looking very serious hehe.
Pingback: 10 Reasons To Lose Weight BEFORE The New Year | Miss Sue Flay