I was recently asked what my top tips would be for any budding bloggers (thank you Cath for the great question!) out there and it got me thinking…
The answer really depends on what element of blogging you would like tips on, so instead of trying to cover absolutely everything (I would be there filming my response all day in the ice and snow – brrr!) I am going to answer the question in bite sized video blogs.
Here’s the first video on thoughts to consider when blogging, covering simply the basic thoughts on blogging to start with – I hope you find it useful.
Be true to yourself and your beliefs – your readers will see straight through you if you aren’t sharing your passions and interests. Your followers and readers will follow you for YOU…. if you aren’t passionate about what you are saying, why would they want to continue reading?
Don’t apologise for radio silence! People follow so many blog posts and social media accounts, they won’t miss you as much as you think, so don’t apologise for not blogging for a while… life WILL go on without you!
Don’t be one dimensional – your potential customers/collaborators/readers/followers are hanging out on Twitter/Facebook/You Tube/Instagram/Pinterest, so find a few platforms you love and share your blog as well as connect with everyone out there on the world wide web!
Be helpful – don’t moan or gossip! Share advice and tips that will make life a little more interesting for your readers – check out my afternoon tea and hotel reviews for my wafflings of which my readers love my blog for.
Don’t be spammy – if you take a business card from someone, check that they want to be added to your mailing list before you do it – don’t add somebody without their permission!
Everything you post will stay online FOREVER! If you wouldn’t say something to your mum/dad/great aunt…. don’t say it… you may regret it!
Network Network Network – go to PR events, networks, blogging festivals, meet people and make friends in person, your blog will take you to some exciting places!
It won’t happen overnight, it takes time and a lot of energy. People are reading and you may not even know it, so put your heart and soul into your blog for the love of it and ENJOY it.
Follow me and my new plans for BLOG CAMBRIDGE – a new networking event in Cambridge for bloggers and wannabe bloggers – a great opportunity for my fellow bloggers to meet up and have fun geeing out, so watch this space very shortly!
What are your top tips when it comes to starting a blog?
Do you have any burning questions for me when it comes to starting a blog?
Do leave a comment below and share your thoughts, I’d love to hear from you!
Or get in touch via social media through Facebook, Instagram & Twitter for a natter about life in general!