After last years Cake & Bake show and a lot of disappointed feedback from guests on how “cupcake” orientated it was, the organisers took nothing but feedback on board and they blimmin’ well listened – hurrah! They have since hosted an even in Manchester, so they took all comments (the good, the bad and the ugly) on board and tweaked it after listening to what the crowds wanted in their cakey heaven
A few months back I received an email from Lindsey who was plotting a secret baby shower and afternoon tea party for her friend Liz. She wanted to book me to pop over and teach them some of my delicious afternoon tea recipes in preparation for their own little feast later that afternoon. She had invited me to join her and 7 of her friends in Cottenham to set up base in one of their kitchens. Once we were ready she popped out t
Fathers Day is coming – if you didn’t know already! And what on earth are you going to buy your old man or the kids dad this year? Every year it gets harder and harder, especially when they don’t want for anything and another set of novelty golf tees just aren’t going to cut it! Well, look no further, Miss Sue Flay will sort you out and help you to book a Fathers Day experience like no other – She will help you to